Girl In The Sun (feat Brady James) Tab de uke por Allday

3 Acordes usados na música: F, C, Bb

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Tablature / Chords (Canção Simplificada)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: F, DmAcordes
F F           C C       Bb Bb              C C
I waited at the beach in winter for you
F F C C Bb Bb C C
hoping you'd come,
F F C C Bb Bb C C
Oh my god my sad lips were turning to blue,
F F C C Bb Bb C C
My girl in the sun, my girl in the sun

#use same chord progression throughout verse

You're probably the best invention
Sliced bread will have to settle for second
Never felt anything as absurd
We watch whole movies and don't catch an order
Kissing carressing, you know the way it goes
I'll stop there cause your mum has a radio
Gorgeous in your Chuck Taylor's and a short dress
Honest eyes hope they dont lie like all the rest
we sit around playing uno on your bed
wait 'til your parents go out then ohhh yes
I'm in love I'm obsessed
I ask do you love and you say not yet
then we sit in the car with the lights off
and don't go inside or do anything cause I never thought I'd find a love like yours

F F C C Bb Bb C C
I waited at the beach in winter for you
F F C C Bb Bb C C
hoping you'd come,
F F C C Bb Bb C C
Oh my god my sad lips were turning to blue,
F F C C Bb Bb C C
My girl in the sun, my girl in the sun

Tab de uke por , 31 Out 2015

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