3 Acordes usados na música: G, D, C
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
intro. g d c x3
verse 1
g d c
me_____ and my best friend
g d c
we stand along wounderin' whats wrong with
g d c
the people that we meet
g d c
well they told us to watch our step
g d c
coz round every corner we will be met
g d c d g
by another group of teenage wannabees
verse 2
g d c
me_____ and my best friend
g d c
we stand along wounderin' whats wrong with
g d c
the people on the street
g d c
well they told us to watch our step
g d c
coz round every corner we will be met
g d c d g
by another group of teenage wannabees
g d c x3
g d c
well they told us to watch our step
g d c
coz round every corner we will be met
g d c d g
by another group of teenage wannabees
last verse
g d c
me_____ and my best friend
g d c
youre my bestfriend
g d c
me and you till the very end
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