As The Deer taby ukulele według Worship Song

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, G, Am, F, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Verse 1:
C C G G Am Am F F
As the deer panteth for the water
Am Am G G C C
So my soul longeth after thee
C C G G Am Am F F
You alone are my heart’s desire
Am Am G G C C
And I long to worship thee

Am Am F F C C
You alone are my strength, my shield
F F Dm Dm Am Am
To you alone may my spirit yield
C C G G Am Am F F
You alone are my heart’s desire
Am Am G G C C
And I long to worship thee

Verse 2:
C C G G Am Am F F
You’re my friend and you are my brother
Am Am G G C C
Even though you are a king
C C G G Am Am F F
I love you more than any other
Am Am G G C C
So much more than anything


Am Am F F C C
You alone are my strength, my shield
F F Dm Dm Am Am
To you alone may my spirit yield
C C G G Am Am F F
You alone are my heart’s desire
Am Am G G C C
And I long to worship thee

Verse 3:
C C G G Am Am F F
I want you more than gold or silver,
Am Am G G C C
only you can satisfy.
C C G G Am Am F F
You alone are the real joy giver
Am Am G G C C
and the apple of my eye.

Final Chorus:
Am Am F F C C
You alone are my strength, my shield
F F Dm Dm Am Am
To you alone may my spirit yield
C C G G Am Am F F
You alone are my heart’s desire
Am Am G G C C
And I long to worship thee

taby ukulele według , 07 mar 2020

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