Dance On The Moon taby ukulele według Woody

9 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Gm, Dm, Eb, Bb, Ab, Cm, Fm, Gb, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: CmChwyty
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb

[Verse 1]
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Everynight ı watch the sky
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Thinking maybe you're up there
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
And without letting me down
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
ı say you'd better be around


Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
And so I go I go I go I go I go
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Through my dreams where ı can finally meet you
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Making my show my show my show my show my show
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Trying to convince you to come back home

Ab Ab Bb Bb
The heavens want you for themselves
Eb Eb Bb Bb Ab Ab
It's not the time to meet you there

Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab

So you take me dancing on the moon
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab
Saying ı'll see you very soon
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab
Dance on the moon under the entire blue
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab Gm Gm
Seems like eternity looks like you

[Verse 2]
Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Why did it look so real?
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
ı could almost hear you talking
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Can't we go back to where we were
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
To the good old days?


Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
And so ı go ı go ı go ı go ı go
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Through my dreams where ı can finally meet you
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Making my show my show my show my show my show
Gm Gm Dm Dm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Trying to convince you to come back home

Ab Ab Bb Bb
The heavens want you for themselves
Eb Eb Bb Bb Ab Ab
It's not the time to meet you there

Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab
So you take me dancing on the moon
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab
Saying ı'll see you very soon
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab
Dance on the moon under the entire blue
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab Gm Gm
Seems like eternity looks like you


Ab Ab Bb Bb
And ı need to tell you so many things
Cm Cm
The lack and love of my tears
Fm Fm
But as ı am left with a photo
Ab Ab Bb Bb Ab Ab
ı'll sing them on my piano

Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab
So you take me ancing on the moon
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm Ab Ab
Saying ı'll see you very soon
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gb Gb Ab Ab
Dance on the moon under the entire blue
Eb Eb Bb Bb Gm Gm
Seems like eternity looks like you

Ab Ab Eb Eb Bb Bb G G
Dancing on the moon
Ab Ab Bb Bb Gm Gm
I'll see you very soon
Ab Ab Bb Bb Eb Eb Ab Ab
Dance on the moon under the entire blue
Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb Ab Ab
Just want to say how much ı miss you

taby ukulele według , 13 cze 2021

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