The Wizard And I taby ukulele według Wicked

16 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Ab, C, Fm, C#, Eb, Cm, F#, Dm, G7, G, Am, Em, Bb, Gm, F, D

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2010
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Ab Ab                             C C
Did that really just happen?
Ab Ab C C
Have I actually understood?
Ab Ab
This weird quirk I've tried
To suppress or hide
Fm Fm
Is a talent that could
Ab Ab C# C#
Help me meet the Wizard
Eb Eb Cm Cm
If I make good
F# F# C C Dm Dm G7 G7
So I'll make, good;

C C Dm Dm G7 G7

C C Dm Dm G7 G7 G G
When I meet the Wizard,
C C Dm Dm G7 G7 C C
Once I prove my worth
Am Am
And then I'll meet the Wizard
Dm Dm C C
What I've waited for since,
Since birth!
C C Dm Dm G7 G7 G G
And with all his Wizard wisdom,
C C Em Em
By my looks, he won't be blinded.
Bb Bb C C
Do you think the Wizard is dumb?
Bb Bb G G
Or, like Munchkins, so small-minded?
Am Am
No! He'll say to me,
Dm Dm G G C C
"I see who you truly are -
Am Am Dm Dm Gm Gm
A A girl on whom I can rely!"
And that's how we'll begin
C C Dm Dm G G
The Wizard and I

C C Dm Dm G G

D D C# C#
And one day, he'll say to me, "Elphaba
D D C# C#
A A girl who is so superior,
F F Em Em
Shouldn't a girl who's so good inside
Dm Dm Em Em
Have a matching exterior?
C C Bb Bb F F
And since folks here to an absurd degree
Cm Cm Bb Bb F F Bb Bb
Seem fixated on your verdigris.
C# C# C C
Would it be all right by you
Bb Bb
If I
de-greenified you?"

Am Am
And though of course,
Dm Dm G G C C
That's not important to me.
Am Am Dm Dm G G
"All right, why not?" I'll reply
Oh, what a pair we'll be
Am Am Dm Dm G G
The Wizard and I;
C C Dm Dm F F
Yes, what a pair we'll be

The Wizard and...

taby ukulele według , 18 kwi 2012

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