Doctor Doctor taby ukulele według UFO

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Dm, Bb, C, G, A, F

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: DmChwyty

Dm Dm Bb Bb C C

Dm Dm Bb Bb C C G G A A Dm Dm

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

[Verse 1]

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Doctor doctor, please Oh, the mess I'm in

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Doctor doctor, please Oh, the mess I'm in

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

She walked up to me and really stole my heart

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

And then she started to take my body apart


Dm Dm Bb Bb C C F F

Livin' lovin' I'm on the run

G G A A Dm Dm

So far away from you

Dm Dm Bb Bb C C F F

Livin' lovin' I'm on the run

G G A A Dm Dm

So far away from you


Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

[Verse 2]

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Doctor doctor, please Oh, I'm goin' fast

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Doctor doctor, please Oh, I'm goin' fast

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

It's only just a moment She's turning paranoid

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

That's not a situation for a nervous boy

[Verse 3]

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Doctor doctor, please Oh, the mess I'm in

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Doctor doctor, please Oh, the mess I'm in

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

But you look so angry as I crawled across your floor

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

She's got the strength, and I can't take any more


Dm Dm Bb Bb C C F F

Livin' lovin' I'm on the run

G G A A Dm Dm

So far away from you

Dm Dm Bb Bb C C F F

Livin' lovin' I'm on the run

G G A A Dm Dm

So far away from you


Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

[Verse 4]

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Doctor doctor, please Oh, the mess I'm in

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F C C

Doctor doctor, please Oh, I'm goin' fast

taby ukulele według , 20 sie 2019

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