Innocent When You Dream taby ukulele według Tom Waits

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, D, Gm, C, A, Dm, Bb

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  1987
Akord: DmChwyty
0 1 2 3 4 5
F F       D D      Gm Gm 
The bats are in the belfry
The dew is on the moor
A A A A Dm Dm
where are the arms that held me
Bb Bb Bb Bb F F
and pledged her love before
Bb Bb C C F F
and pledged her love before


F F D D Gm Gm
It's such a sad old feeling
the fields are soft and green
F F Dm Dm Bb Bb
it's memories that I'm stealing
F F Bb Bb F F
but you're innocent when you dream
Bb Bb F F
when you dream,
F F Bb Bb F F
you're innocent when you dream
Bb Bb F F
when you dream
F F Bb Bb F F
you're innocent when you dream

I made a golden promise
that we would never part
I gave my love a locket
and then I broke her heart
and then I broke her heart

Repeter chorus

Running through the graveyard
and we laughed my friends and I
we swore we'd be together
until the day we died
until the day we died

taby ukulele według , 05 maj 2012

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