I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You taby ukulele według Tina Arena

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, Dm, Gm, C, F

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: DmChwyty
Moon so bright, night so fine
Dm Dm
Keep your heart here with mine
Gm Gm A A
Life's a dream We are dreaming

Race the moon, catch the wind
Dm Dm
Ride the night to the end
Gm Gm A A
Seize the day Stand up for the light

Dm Dm A A
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
Dm Dm A A
If that is all in life I ever do

Heroes rise, heroes fall
Dm Dm
Rise again, win it all
Gm Gm A A
In your heart Can't you feel the glory?

Through our joy, through our pain
Dm Dm
We can move worlds again
Gm Gm A A
Take my hand Dance with me (dance with me)

Dm Dm A A
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
Dm Dm A A
If that is all in life I ever do
Dm Dm A A
I will want nothing else to see me through
Dm Dm A A
If I can spend my lifetime loving you

Yeah-yeah, yeah
Dm Dm A A

Though we know We will never come again
Dm Dm A A
Where there is love Life begins
Dm Dm Gm Gm A A
Over and over again

Save the night, save the day
Dm Dm
Save the love, come what may
Gm Gm A A
Love is worth Everything we pay

Dm Dm A A
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
Dm Dm A A
If that is all in life I ever do
Dm Dm A A
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
Dm Dm A A
If that is all in life I ever do
Dm Dm A A
I will want nothing else to see me through
Dm Dm A A
If I can spend my lifetime loving you

taby ukulele według , 11 mar 2025

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