Hey There Delilah taby ukulele według Tim Hawkins

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Em, Am, F, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Intro: C C, Em Em


C C Em Em
Hey there Delilah, this is your ex-boyfriend Samson,
C C Em Em
And I know you thought that lifting weights, made me so buff and handsome,

Am Am F F G G Am Am G G*
You were wrong, it's 'cuz I let my hair grow long, that makes me strong,

C C Em Em
Hey there Delilah, you came in while I was sleeping,
C C Em Em
And I couldn't feel you cutting and I didn't hear you creeping
Am Am F F G G Am Am G G*
out the door, You left my hair piled on the floor, while I just snored


C C Am Am C C Am Am
Oh, what you did to me, Oh, while I was asleep,
C C Am Am C C Am Am
Oh, I'm a Nazarene, Oh, but you shaved me clean,
Delilah you're so mean


I killed a lion, big and mean, and slaughtered many Philistines,
C C Am Am
All with a donkey's jaw bone, that's no lie,
But now I'm chained up to a wall, and I can't cry no tears at all,
C C Am Am
Because they came and gouged out both my eyes...
Why'd you grab your clipping shears, and shave my head like Britney Spears,
C C Am Am C C
And now I'm standing hear in total shame, and you're to blame

Verse 3:

C C Em Em
Hey there Delilah, why did you have to deceive me?
C C Em Em Am Am
and it's hard for me to think, not long ago I wanted you to be my bride,
F F G G Am Am =
But you took too much off the sides,
F F G G Am Am
hey there Delilah when you die,
F F G G Am Am
Just tell the devil, I said "hi",
G G*
He'll know why

Chorus 2:

C C Am Am C C Am Am
Oh, it's what you did to me, Oh, Now I feel so weak,
C C Am Am C C Am Am
Oh, I look like a freak, you know, Delilah, you're a geek
Oh, you're such a geek...

Chorus keeps playing:

C C, Am Am, C C, Am Am, etc.

taby ukulele według , 09 gru 2016

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