I Wanna Be Like You ( Jungle Book) taby ukulele według Themes

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, E7, G7, C, A7, D7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Am Am
Now I'm the king of the swingers
Am Am E7 E7
Oh, the jungle VIP
E7 E7
I've reached the top and had to stop
E7 E7 Am Am
And that's what botherin' me
Am Am
I wanna be a man, mancub
E7 E7
And stroll right into town
E7 E7
And be just like the other men
Am Am G7 G7
I'm tired of monkeyin' around, oh!

Oobee doo
C C A7 A7
I wanna be like you
D7 D7
I wanna walk like you
G7 G7 C C G7 G7
Talk like you, too
You'll see it's true
A7 A7
An ape like me
D7 D7 G7 G7 C C E7 E7
Can learn to be human too, oh

Am Am
Now don't try to kid me, mancub
E7 E7
I made a deal with you

What I desire is man's red fire
Am Am
To make my dream come true
Am Am
Give me the secret, mancub
E7 E7
Clue me what to do

Give me the power of man's red flower
Am Am G7 G7
So I can be like you, oh!

Oobee doo
A7 A7
I wanna be like you
A7 A7 D7 D7
I wanna walk like you
G7 G7 C C G7 G7
Talk like you, too
You'll see it's true
A7 A7
An ape like me
D7 D7 G7 G7 C C E7 E7
Can learn to be human too

Am Am
I'll ape your mannerisms,
E7 E7
we'll be a set of twins

No one will know where mancub ends
Am Am
and orangutan begins

And when I eat bananas,
E7 E7
I won't peel them with my feet

'Cause I'll become a mancub
Am Am G7 G7
and learn some etiquette. Oh!

Oobee doo
A7 A7
I wanna be like you
D7 D7
I wanna talk like you
G7 G7 C C G7 G7
Walk like you, too
You'll see it's true
A7 A7
An ape like me
D7 D7 G7 G7 C C
Can learn to be human too

taby ukulele według , 04 sie 2020

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04 Aug 2020

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