Temptation Eyes taby ukulele według The Grass Roots

13 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bbm, Bbm7/Ab, Gbmaj7, F7sus4, F7, Eb7/G, Gb, F, Ab, F/A, Bb, C7/Bb, Eb

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty i tabulatura
Bbm Bbm Bbm7/Ab Bbm7/Ab Gbmaj7 Gbmaj7
/ / / / / / / / / / / /
F7sus4 F7sus4 F7 F7
/ / / /

[Verse 1]
Bbm Bbm Bbm7/Ab Bbm7/Ab
She's got something that moves my soul
Eb7/G Eb7/G Gb Gb F F
And she knows I'd love to love her
Bbm Bbm Bbm7/Ab Bbm7/Ab
But she lets me down every time
Eb7/G Eb7/G Gb Gb F F
Can't make her mine she's no-one's lover
Gb Gb Ab Ab
Tonight with me she'll be so inviting
I want her all for myself

Bb Bb C7/Bb C7/Bb Bb Bb
Temptation eyes looking through my-my-my
C7/Bb C7/Bb
Bb Bb C7/Bb C7/Bb Eb Eb
Temptation eyes, you got to love me
F F Bbm Bbm
Got to love me tonight

[repeat intro]
[Verse 2]
Her wild-eyed innocence is just a game
But just the same my head is spinnin'
She's got a way to keep me on her side
It's just a ride that's never ending
Tonight with me she'll be so exciting
I want her all for myself

[repeat chorus]

[repeat verse 2 with guitar solo over firs
t four lines]

[repeat chorus to fade]

taby ukulele według , 27 mar 2024

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