Forever taby ukulele według Stratovarius

12 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, Bm, F#m, G, D, Em, A, D/C#, F, C, Dm, E

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: -0.5 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
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Tone [Am Am] capo on 1st fret

Bm Bm F#m F#m G G D D
Em Em A A Bm Bm F#m F#m

Bm Bm F#m F#m G G D D
I stand alone in the darkness
Em Em A A Bm Bm F#m F#m
The winter of my life came so fast
Bm Bm F#m F#m G G D D
Memories go back to childhood
Em Em A A Bm Bm
To days I still recall

Bm Bm F#m F#m G G D D
Oh how happy I was then
Em Em A A Bm Bm F#m F#m
There was no sorrow there was no pain
Bm Bm F#m F#m G G D D
Walking through the green fields
Em Em A A Bm Bm
Sunshine in my eyes

I'm still there everywhere
D D D/C# D/C# Bm Bm
I'm the dust in the wind
G G A A (Bm Bm)
I'm the star in the northern sky

I never stayed anywhere
D D Bm Bm
I'm the wind in the trees
G G A A (Bm Bm)
Would you wait for me forever ?

Am Am Em Em F F C C
Dm Dm G G Am Am E E

I'm still there everywhere
D D Bm Bm
I'm the dust in the wind
G G A A (Bm Bm)
I'm the star in the northern sky

I never stayed anywhere
D D Bm Bm
I'm the wind in the trees
G G A A (Bm Bm)
Would you wait for me forever ?
G G A A (Bm Bm)
Would you wait for me forever ?
G G A A (Bm Bm)
Will you wait for me forever ?

taby ukulele według , 08 gru 2023

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