Passenger Seat taby ukulele według Stephen Speaks

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, Em, C, D, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, G, Am, EmChwyty

G G - Em Em - C C - D D
G G - Em Em - C C - D D


G G Em Em
I look at her and have to smile
As we go driving for a while
Looking nowhere in the open window of my car
G G Em Em
And as we go the traffic lights
Watch them glimmer in her eyes
In the darkness of the evening

G G Em Em
And I've got all that I need
C C D D- D D-
Right here in the passenger seat
G G Em Em
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
C C D D- D D-
Knowing that she's inches from me

G G Em Em
We stop to get something to drink
My mind pounds and I can't think
D D- D D-
Scared to death to say I love her
G G Em Em
Then a moon peeks from the clouds
Hear my heart that beats so loud
D D- D D-
Try to tell her simply

G G Em Em
That I've got all that I need
C C D D- D D-
Right here in the passenger seat
G G Em Em
Oh I can't keep my eyes on the road
C C D D- D D-
Knowing that she's inches from me

G G Em Em
Oh and I've got all that I need
C C D D- D D-
Right here in the passenger seat
G G Em Em
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
C C D D- D D-
Knowing that she's inches from me

Em Em D D - C C D D- - -Dm Dm -D D-
Oh and I know this love grow

Instrumental:G- ,Em ,C ,D- - -Dm -D- (2x)

Oh I've got all that I need
Right here in the passenger seat
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
Knowing that she's inches from me

G G Em Em
And I've got all that I need
C C D D- D D-
Right here in the passenger seat
G G Em Em
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
C C D D- D D-
Knowing that she's inches from me

G G Em Em
And I've got all that I need
C C D D- D D-
Right here in the passenger seat
G G Em Em
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
C C D D- D D-
Knowing that she's inches from me

Outro:(Mute Guitar)

And I've got all that I need

Right here in the passenger seat

taby ukulele według , 10 kwi 2020

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