In The Meantime taby ukulele według Spacehog

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: E, F#m, D, A, G, B, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  1995
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
E E                       F#m F#m                 D D          A A      E E
And in the end we shall achieve in time the thing they call divine
E E F#m F#m D D A A E E
And all the stars will smile for me
E E F#m F#m D D A A E E
When all is well and well is all for all forever after
A A G G F#m F#m
Living in the meantime wait and see

Chorus 1:

A A D D F#m F#m B B
We love the all the all of you
A A D D F#m F#m B B
Where lands are green and skies are blue
A A D D F#m F#m B B
When all in all we're just like you
A A D D F#m F#m
We love the all of you

Verse 2:

E E F#m F#m D D A A E E
And when I cry for me I cry for you with tears of holy joy
E E F#m F#m D D A A E E
For all the days still to come
E E F#m F#m D D A A E E
And did I ever say I'd never play or fly toward the sun
A A G G F#m F#m
Living in the meantime something's gone

Chorus 2:

A A D D F#m F#m B B
We love the all the all of you
A A D D F#m F#m B B
Where lands are green and skies are blue
A A D D F#m F#m B B
When all in all we're just like you
A A D D F#m F#m
We love the all of you


Well that sounds fine so I'll see you sometime
D D G G F#m F#m E E
Give my love to the future of the humankind okay, okay, it's not okay.
While it's on my mind there's a girl that fits the crime
For a future love dream that I'm still to find but in the meantime.

Chorus 3:

A A D D F#m F#m B B
We love the all the all of you
A A D D F#m F#m B B
Where lands are green and skies are blue
A A D D F#m F#m B B
When all in all we're just like you
A A D D F#m F#m
We love the all of you

A A D D F#m F#m B B
We love the all the all of you
A A D D F#m F#m B B
Where lands are green and skies are blue
A A D D F#m F#m B B
When all in all we're just like you
A A D D F#m F#m
We love the all of you

A A D D F#m F#m B B
We love the all the all of you
A A D D F#m F#m B B
Where lands are green and skies are blue


A A D D F#m F#m B B
Just like you,
A A D D F#m F#m B B
just like you.
A A D D F#m F#m B B
just like, just like
A A D D F#m F#m B B
Just like you,
A A D D F#m F#m B B
just like you.
A A D D F#m F#m B B
Just like, just like
A A D D F#m F#m B B
just like you.

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taby ukulele według , 02 sie 2019

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