Misery Meat taby ukulele według Sodikken

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Ebm, Ab, Db6, Db, Fm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: Db, BbmChwyty
Rytmy: d-d-u

Ebm Ebm
You want a taste of my brain?
Ab Ab Db6 Db6
Okay, it's yours anyway
Ebm Ebm
A A bite of my eye?
Ab Ab Db Db
Alright I won't put up a fight

Ebm Ebm
How 'bout today
Ab Ab Ab Ab
You try eating someone else for a change?
Ebm Ebm Ab Ab
Because the way things are going I won't
Ab Ab
last another day

Ebm Ebm Ab Ab Fm Fm
As you open up my ribs the blood flows out
like a river
Ebm Ebm Ab Ab Fm Fm
You strip my bones away as you indulge in
my liver

Ebm Ebm Ab Ab
And the more that I am in pain
Db6 Db6
The more that you'll gain
Db Db
And to me, that seems like a pretty fair

Ebm Ebm
You bite
Ab Ab
My nervous system ignites
Fm Fm
The torment, in-spite
Db Db
Sacrifices must be made

Db Db Ebm Ebm
One thing that you'd never hear me say
Ab Ab Db Db
Is that I'm tired of living
Db Db Ebm Ebm
Funny thing that statement changed today
Ab Ab Db Db
Good thing that I'm forgiving

taby ukulele według , 10 gru 2021

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