The Missing Wife taby ukulele według Showbread

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D, F#m, Em, A

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

Font size: A- A A+

Rok:  2004
Akord: D, BmChwyty
# Intro : Each chord lasts two measure.

# --|-D------F#m------Em------A----------------|-

# A-|-0-------0-------2-------0----------------|-
# E-|-2-------2-------3-------0----0--0--0--0--|-
# C-|-2-------1-------4-------1----2--4--2--1--|-
# G-|-2-------2-------0-------2----------------|-


D D F#m F#m
Should you hurt yourself or simply sleep?
Em Em A A
I shall collect myself after I weep,

# A-|--------------|-
# E-|--0--0--0--0--|-
# C-|--2--4--2--1--|-
# G-|--------------|-

D D F#m F#m
And garb myself in ocean blue,
Em Em A A
With no method of goodbye to you,

# A-|--------------|-
# E-|--0--0--0--0--|-
# C-|--2--4--2--1--|-
# G-|--------------|-

D D F#m F#m
Should the marsh render a crane to cry,

Em Em A A
And the sea suspend her gulls to fly,

# A-|--------------|-
# E-|--0--0--0--0--|-
# C-|--2--4--2--1--|-
# G-|--------------|-

D D F#m F#m
I ll lend myself unto their wings,
Em Em A A
And hear the voice of Jesus sing,

# A-|--------------|-
# E-|--0--0--0--0--|-
# C-|--2--4--2--1--|-
# G-|--------------|-

D D F#m F#m
No wish for he whose whimsy does soar,
Em Em A A
No wish to sleep forever more,

# A-|--------------|-
# E-|--0--0--0--0--|-
# C-|--2--4--2--1--|-
# G-|--------------|-

D D F#m F#m
No eye shadow as thick as paint,
Em Em A A
No pigment pleads unto the faint

# Arpeggio bridge :

# A-|-0-5-8-0-8-0-8-5-0-5-8-2-8-2-8-5-2-7-14-7-14-7-14-|-
# E-|--------------------------------------------------|-
# C-|--------------------------------------------------|-
# G-|--------------------------------------------------|-

# A-|-10-7-12-7-12-7-12-7-12---------------------------|-
# E-|--------------------------------------------------|-
# C-|--------------------------------------------------|-
# G-|--------------------------------------------------|-

taby ukulele według , 21 gru 2010

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i love this song.... i love showbread... i love my ukulele... fused theyre great :).. you did a great job thanks for posting this
06 Jan 2011

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