Ribs And Things taby ukulele według Rusty Clanton

10 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, E7, F, C, G, C7, Fm, Dm, Fdim, G/B

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Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Am Am                 E7 E7                  F F                             C C
If you let me hold you I think you'd understand
Am Am                             E7 E7                    F F                         G G 
My hearts burning for you in a way no others can  
     C C                       C7 C7                       F F                              Fm Fm
And I may not be perfect, but if you call me your man  
C C                            G G                      C C            
I promise that I'll do the best I can 

 Am                              E7                              F                              C
When you say my name it feels like time is standing still 
 Am Am                    E7 E7                       F F                          G G
 I never want to speed it up, I haven't got the will 
                                C C                            C7 C7                                     F F                             Fm Fm
Though he may get tickets when he's to quick, its my heart that pay the bills
C C                        G G                        C C          
 I think I'll just let time stand still 

Dm Dm                                           G G
I thought my heart it was well protected
Dm Dm                                             G G
Behind my ribs right where I had left it but,
Dm Dm                   Fdim Fdim           C C    G/B G/B  Am Am       G G              Dm Dm                   G G          
I should have know that 12 or so bones wouldnt be enough to hide my love 
Dm Dm                                           GI
thought my heart it was well protected
Dm Dm                                             G G
Behind my ribs right where I had left it but,
Dm Dm                   Fdim Fdim           C C    G/B G/B  Am Am       G G              Dm Dm                   G G        
 I should have know that 12 or so bones wouldnt be enough to hide my love 
               C C                                  C7 C7                      F F                                  Fm Fm
But girl I know that I'm not perfect, but it you'll call me your man 
   C C                          G G                      C C            
I promise that I'll do the best I can

taby ukulele według , 19 maj 2013

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