Do It For Me taby ukulele według Rosenfeld

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, F, Dm, Em, Esus4, E

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Am Am F F Dm Dm Em Em

[Verse 1]
Am Am
Show me how
Am Am Esus4 Esus4 E E
Show me how you like it done
Am Am
You're all mine
Esus4 Esus4 E E
I'll make you feel like you're the one

Am Am
Take off your clothes
Give me your trust
Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
Look me in the eyes and confess your lust
Am Am
Get on your knees
Beg me to stop
Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
I promise I'll love you if you do it
Am Am
So do it for me
Am Am F F Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E

[Verse 2]
Am Am F F
Give me your hand
Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
I'll show you things you've never done
Am Am F F
Hold my head
Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
I'll make you feel like never before

Am Am
Take off your clothes
Give me your trust
Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
Look me in the eyes and confess your lust
Am Am
Get on your knees
Beg me to stop
Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
I promise I'll love you if you do it
Am Am F F Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
So do it for me

Am Am F F Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E x2

Am Am F F
Say my name
Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
All I wanna do is hear you scream in pain
Am Am F F
Say my name
Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
I promise I'll love you if you do it
Am Am F F Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
So do it for me
Am Am F F Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
(So do it for me)
Am Am F F Dm Dm Esus4 Esus4 E E
(So do it for me)

taby ukulele według , 18 cze 2020

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