I Can't Handle Change taby ukulele według Roar

9 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, Dm, Bb, Gm, C, Am, Cm, Bbm, G

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Rok:  2010
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
F F Dm Dm Bb Bb x4

[Verse 1]
F F Bb Bb
Hanging out where I don't belong is nothing new to me
F F Bb Bb
I get tired and I get sick and then I lose the strength to lead

Gm Gm C C
I can't handle change
Gm Gm C C
I can't handle change

F F Dm Dm
Nothing I do is ever good
F F Bb Bb
Nothing I do is ever good enough
F F Dm Dm Am Am C C
Nothing I do is ever good

F F Dm Dm
Nothing I do is ever good
F F Bb Bb
Nothing I do is ever good enough
F F Dm Dm Am Am C C
Nothing I do is ever good

F F Am Am
Leave me alone
Cm Cm Gm Gm Bbm Bbm
Leave me alone

F F Am Am
Leave me alone
Cm Cm Gm Gm Bbm Bbm F F
Leave me alone

I can't help but repeat myself
Bbm Bbm F F
I know it's not your fault
Still lately I've begin to shake
Bbm Bbm F F Dm Dm Gm Gm
for no reason at all
C C F F Dm Dm Gm Gm
for no reason at all
C C F F Dm Dm Gm Gm
for no reason at all
C C F F Dm Dm Gm Gm
for no reason at all
for no reason at all

F F Dm Dm Bb Bb x4

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