Fun With The Bottom String taby ukulele według River

3 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F1, F2, F3

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty i tabulatura
F1 F1  F2 F2  F3 F3
A|---|---|---| 1 Strum first
E|---|---|---| 3 Strum last The strumming pattern.
G|---|---|---| 2 Strum second

put your finger on fret 3 of A A string first and do the strumming pattern 2 times and then play the G G string then put your finger on the second fret of A A and do the strumming pattern twice play G G string then move your finger on fret 1 of A A string and do the strumming pattern twice play G G string then repeat. This makes a nice little tune to play when you're bored. Enjoy and I hope you have fun :)!


taby ukulele według , 17 lut 2013

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