Parallel Lives taby ukulele według Revolver

9 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bm, G, E, D, F#, C#, Bbm, G#, F

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Bm Bm G G E E G G

Bm Bm G G
We are living parallel lives
E E D D F# F#
We don't know about each other
Bm Bm G G
We're in love with the same girl
E E D D F# F#
But one of us has never met her


Bm Bm G G
We don't see the same shores
E E D D F# F# Bm Bm
We both grew up by our sides but
We can feel the same trouble
C# C# G G F# F#
We're just living parallel lives


Bm Bm G G
We are drawing parallel paths
E E D D F# F#
But parallel lines never cross, no?
Bm Bm G G
We don't think much about the past
E E G G F# F#
We're getting used to being lost


Bm Bm G G
You and me, writing lines
E E D D F# F# Bm Bm
Doing the same thing each and every night
The same dreams, the same lies
c# Bbm----bridge
And I wish and I hope that

Bbm Bbm F# F#

Bbm Bbm, G# G#, C# C#, F F, F# F#, F F, F# F# (bis) finish Bdm

Bm Bm G G
Now another year has passed
E E D D F# F#
Still we don't know about each other
Bm Bm G G
The girl has dyed her hair brown
E E D D F# F#
It's like we've loved a complete stranger

Bm Bm G G
You and me, writing lines
E E D D F# F# Bm Bm
Doing the same thing each and every night
The same dreams, the same lies
C# C# G G F# F#
We're just living parallel lives
Bm Bm G G
You and me, writing lines
E E D D F# F# Bm Bm
Doing the same thing each and every night
Bm Bm G G
Or at least, once or twice
c# Bbm----bridge
And I wish and I hope that

Bbm Bbm G# G#, C# C#, F F, F# F#, F F, F# F# (x4)

taby ukulele według , 15 sie 2017

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