The New Zero taby ukulele według Rasputina

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Em, C, G, D

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  1998
Akord: G, EmChwyty
Em Em
he's agreed
to take me
to the ice hotel from the

Em Em
what we will need
is a gleaming key
made of ice as well
by the finest ice machine

its there that no one will stare
at your jaws and your long fur
the claws in your fingers

its the past when the passerbys laughed
at your strange way of speaking
your batteries leaking
oh no

oh god no
they dont know
the new zero

oh god no
they dont know
the new zero

uniforms worn,
so leisurely
the reindeer skins
the privacy

how was he born?
he's asking me
flapping his fins
very impressively

its there that no one will stare
at your jaws and your long fur
the claws in your fingers

its the past when the passerbys laughed
at your strange way of speaking
your batteries leaking
oh no

oh god no (he has agreed)
they dont know (to take me)
the new zero (to the ice hotel)

i really dont care and neither does he
if this hotel melts into the sea
polished and so rarer, this way that we see
the coldness helps, its our favorite remedy

it is there that no one will stare
at your jaws and your long fur
the claws in your fingers

its the past when the passerbys laughed
at your strange way of speaking
your batteries leaking, oh no!

taby ukulele według nieznane, 25 sty 2009

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