Banana Phone taby ukulele według Raffi

16 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G6, D7, D9, G7, C, C#dim, G/D, E7, A7, D7+, F#, Bm, A, Gb, Em, Eb7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
G6 G6 D7 D7 G6 G6 D7 D7

G6 G6 D9 D9 G6 G6 D9 D9
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
G6 G6 D9 D9 G7 G7
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
C C c#dim G/D G/D E7 E7
I got this feeling, so apealing
A7 A7 D7+ D7+
for us to get together and sing sing

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding banana phone
It grows in bunches, i've got my hunches
It's the best, beats the rest
cellular, modular, interactive-odular

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping banana phone
It's no balony, it ain't a phony
My cellular, bananular phone

F# F#
Don't need quarters, don't need dimes
Bm Bm
to call a friend of mine
F# F#
Don't need computer or TV
Bm Bm
to have a real good time
E7 E7
I call for pizza, i call my cat
I call the white house, have a chat
A7 A7
I place a call around the world
D7+ D7+
Operator get me Beijing jing jing

--Solo x2--
G6 G6 D9 D9 G6 G6 D9 D9
G6 G6 D9 D9 G7 G7
C C c#dim G/D G/D E7 E7 A7 A7 D7+ D7+

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ying yang ying yang ying yang ying yanana phone
C C c#dim
It's a real life momma and poppa phone
G/D G/D E7 E7
A A brother and a sister and a dogga phone
A7 A7 D7+ D7+ G6 G6 (Gb Gb F F) E7 E7
A A grandpa phone and a grandma phone too (oh yeah)
A7 A7 D7+ D7+ G6 G6
My cellular, bananular phone

G6 G6 Em Em Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7 G6 G6
Banana Phone, Ring Ring Ring
G6 G6 Em Em Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7 G6 G6
(its a phone with a peel)
G6 G6 Em Em Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7 G6 G6
Banana Phone, Ring Ring Ring
G6 G6 Em Em Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7 G6 G6
(now you can have your phone and eat it too)
G6 G6 Em Em Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7 G6 G6
Banana Phone, Ring Ring Ring
G6 G6 Em Em Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7 G6 G6
(this song drives me bananutz)
G6 G6 Em Em Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7 G6 G6
Banana Phone, Ring Ring Ring
D7 D7 G6 G6

taby ukulele według , 24 gru 2009

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