All God's People taby ukulele według Queen

25 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D, C7, Gm6, Dm, Gm7, F, Eb7, Edim, Gdim, Bb, A, A7, G7, C, G, Eb9, Bbm7, Bb7, Gm, Eb, Cm, E, Am, Dm7, E7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
D D      C7 C7    D D     C7 C7    D D
So all you people give freely

Gm6 Gm6 Dm Dm C7 C7 Gm7 Gm7 F F
Make welcome inside your homes

Eb7 Eb7 Dm Dm Edim Edim Dm Dm
Thank God you people give freely

Gdim Gdim F F Bb Bb F F A A D D
Don't turn your back on the lesson of the Lord

C7 C7 D D Gm6 Gm6 Dm Dm C7 C7 F F
All prime ministers and majesty around the world

Bb Bb A7 A7 Dm Dm
Open your eyes, look, touch and feel

Bb Bb F F
Rule with your heart

Eb7 Eb7 C7 C7 Dm Dm
(Live with your) live with your conscience

G7 G7
Love, love and be...

Gm7 Gm7 C C
Love, love and be free

We're all God's people

F F - C C - F F - Bb Bb - F F

C C F F Bb Bb
Gotta face up - Better grow up

Gotta stand tall and be strong

C C F F Bb Bb
Gotta face up - Better grow up

F F - C C


F F - C C - Dm Dm - F F - C C - A A - D D

Yeah yeah - yes there was this magic light

Eb9 Eb9
I said to myself

Bbm7 Bbm7 Bb7 Bb7
I'd better go to bed and have an early night

A7 A7
Then I, then I, then I, then I went into a dream

D D - Gm6 Gm6 - D D
Gm Gm - Dm Dm - C C - Gm7 Gm7 - F F
Eb Eb - Bb Bb - A7 A7 - Dm Dm - D D - Dm Dm

Bb Bb F F Eb Eb
Rule with your heart

Cm Cm E E D D
and live with your conscience

We're all God's people, give freely

Dm Dm Am Am G G Dm7 Dm7 C C
Make welcome inside your homes

Bb Bb F F E7 E7 A A
Let us be thankful, He's so incredible

taby ukulele według , 27 lis 2021

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