Sexuality taby ukulele według Prince

8 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, C, D, E, F#m, G, A, A7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2009
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Am Am                                                      C C   D D
Stand up, everybody, this is your life
Am Am
Let me take U 2 another world, let me take U 2night
Am Am C C D D
U don't need no money, U don't need no clothes
Am Am
The second coming, anything goes

E E F#m F#m G G A A
Sexuality is all U'll ever need
E E F#m F#m G G A7 A7 or Am Am
Sexuality - let your body be free

Am Am C C D D
Am Am

Am Am C C D D
Come on, everybody, yeah, this is your life
Am Am
I'm talkin' 'bout a revolution we gotta organize
Am Am C C D D
We don't need no segregation, we don't need no race
Am Am
New age revelation, I think we got a case

E E F#m F#m G G A A
I'm OK as long as U are here with me
E E F#m F#m G G A7 A7 or Am Am
Sexuality is all we ever need

Am Am C C D D
Oh baby!
Am Am

Am Am C C D D
(The reproduction of the new breed - Leaders, stand up, organize)

Alternate between an Am Am/A7 groove and the Am Am C C D D Am Am progression for breakdown

Am Am
Sexuality is all I'll ever need
Sexuality - I'm gonna let my body be free
Sexuality is all I'll ever need
Sexuality - I'm gonna let my body be free
Sexuality {repeat 2 fade} 8

taby ukulele według nieznane, 09 wrz 2009

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