30000 Megatons taby ukulele według Pond

12 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Eb, Bb, Bbm, C, F, Cm7, Ab, D, Db, Dm, G, Gm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty

Eb Eb Bb Bb
There's 30, 000 megatons pointed at her

Bbm Bbm C C F F
And him and you and me and everyone we serve

Eb Eb Bb Bb
I look out at the mirror, look out at the world

Bbm Bbm C C F F
30, 000 megatons is just what we deserve

Cm7 Cm7 Eb Eb F F
I don't get out of bed no more

Cm7 Cm7
Beasts learned to talk a bit just to survive

Ab Ab F F
But we're not even beasts, it's a wonder we're alive

We're baser than the base, deaf and dumb and blind

Eb Eb D D
I'll not stand for Maybelline or Kyle or Jackie O

Db Db C C F F
Or my sunburnt country burning people I don't know

Eb Eb Dm Dm
I'll not stand alone or sing in one tune

Db Db C C F F
To see a Virgin air hostess serve Bolly on the moon

Cm7 Cm7 Eb Eb F F
And if I was the man on the Moon, I wouldn't let us near

Cm7 Cm7
I'd stand on a crater with my shotgun to the sky

Ab Ab F F
And leave us to our mines and our Tinder 'til we die

And the Earth will sigh, and the Moon will wipe its brow

F F G G Ab Ab
We need 30, 000 megatons

Bb Bb F F Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Push the button now

F F Gm Gm Ab Ab
We need 30, 000 megatons

Bb Bb F F Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Push the button now

F F Gm Gm Ab Ab Bb Bb
Out on the street it's only vitamins and hate

F F Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb
We'll soon be out of Xanax and then it'll be too late

F F Gm Gm Ab Ab Bb Bb F F Gm Gm Eb Eb
We need 30, 000 megatons, why wait?

Bb Bb
Why wait?


taby ukulele według , 14 mar 2021

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