Thoughts In Transit taby ukulele według PMToday

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, Dm, G, C, E, F

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: AmChwyty
_______Am Am       Dm Dm          G G               C C          
When I was invented back in nineteen eighty seven
G G Am Am Dm Dm E E
I had dreams and things I wanted to be
I prayed cause I was ignorant
Am Am Dm Dm G G C C
I did not expect the world to look so different
G G Am Am E E Am Am Am Am Am Am
From the eyes of twenty-one compared to ten

Am Am Dm Dm
We all grow up and forget
. G G C C
The dreams we had when we were kids
G G Am Am Dm Dm
But I don't think we really forget
. E E
We just realize that life is a disappointment
Am Am Dm Dm G G
You cannot be whatever you want
C C G G Am Am
Love isn't real and Christmas is not
E E Am Am E E
Magical like it used to be

Am Am E E Am Am E E
Everyone is a machine

E E Am Am
Everyone is a machine
E E Am Am
Work, eat, sleep, repeat
E E Am Am
Everyone is a machine
E E Am Am
Work, eat, sleep, repeat
E E Am Am
Everyone is a machine
E E Am Am
Work, eat, sleep, repeat
E E Am Am
Everyone is a machine
E E Am Am
Work, eat, sleep, repeat
E E Am Am G G F F
I can write whatever I please
Am Am G G F F
Am Am G G F F
Am Am G G F F
Am Am G G F F
Am Am G G F F Am Am

taby ukulele według , 17 lut 2014

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