Reunited taby ukulele według Peaches and Herb

22 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Dbmaj7, Bbm7, Db, Ebm, F#m, Fm, B, Bbm, A, Dmaj7, Bm, Em7, Gm, C, Bm7, Em, D, Bb, Ebmaj7, Cm, Abm, Cm7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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0 1 2 3 4 5
Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7,Bbm7 Bbm7,Db Db,Ebm Ebm,F#m F#m

Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7
I was a fool to ever leave your side
Bbm7 Bbm7
Me minus you is such a lonely ride
Ebm Ebm Fm Fm
That break-up we had has made me lonesome and sad
F#m F#m B B B B B B B B
I realize I love you 'cuz I want you back, hey-hey
Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7
I spent the evening with the radio
Bbm7 Bbm7
Regret the moment that I let you go
Ebm Ebm Fm Fm
Our quarrel was such a way of learning so much
F#m F#m B B B B B B B B
I know now that I love you 'cuz I need your touch, hey-hey

Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7
Reunited and it feels so good
Bbm7 Bbm7
Reunited 'cuz we understood
Ebm Ebm
There's one perfect fit and sugar this one is it
F#m F#m B B B B B B B B B B Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7
We both are so excited 'cuz we're reu-nited, hey-he-ey

Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7,Bbm Bbm,Db Db,Ebm Ebm,A A(strumm five times)
(Key Change to D D)

Dmaj7 Dmaj7
I sat here starin' at the same old wall
Bm Bm
Came back to life just when I got your call
Em7 Em7 F#m F#m
I wished I could climb right through the telephone line
Gm Gm
And give you what you want so you would
Still be mine, hey-hey
Dmaj7 Dmaj7
I can't go cheatin' honey, I can't play
Bm7 Bm7
I found it very hard to stay away
Em Em F#m F#m
As we reminisce on precious moments like this
Gm Gm C C C C C C C C
I'm glad we're back together 'cuz I missed your kiss, hey-hey

Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Reunited and it feels so good
Bm7 Bm7
Reunited 'cuz we understood
Em Em
There's one perfect fit and sugar this one is it
Gm Gm C C C C C C C C C C D D
We both are so excited 'cuz we're reu-nited, hey-he-ey

D D,Bm Bm,D D,Em Em,Bb Bb (strum for times)
(Key Change to Eb Eb)

Bb Bb
Ebmaj7 Ebmaj7
Lovin' lover this is solid love
Cm Cm
And you're exactly what I'm dreamin' of
Fm Fm Fm Fm
All through the day, and all through the night
Abm Abm Db Db Db Db Db Db Db Db
I'll give you all the love I have with all my might, hey-hey

[Chorus] (x5)
Ebmaj7 Ebmaj7
Reunited and it feels so good
Cm7 Cm7
Reunited 'cuz we understood
Fm Fm
There's one perfect fit and sugar this one is it
Abm Abm Db Db Db Db Db Db Db Db Db Db Ebmaj7 Ebmaj7
We both are so excited 'cuz we're reu-nited, hey-he-ey

taby ukulele według , 30 sie 2022

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