These Days taby ukulele według Nico

8 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, C/B, Am7, Am7/G, F, Cmaj7, G, Dsus4/G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  nieznane
Akord: CChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: -2.5 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
Progresja tabów / chwytów stworzonych dla ukulele.

C C C/B C/B Am7 Am7 Am7/G Am7/G F F

C C C/B C/B Am7 Am7 Am7/G Am7/G F F
I've been out walking
C C C/B C/B Am7 Am7 Am7/G Am7/G F F
I don't do too much talking these days
Cmaj7 Cmaj7 F F
These Days
These days I seem to think a lot
Cmaj7 Cmaj7 G G Dsus4/G Dsus4/G
about the things that I forgot to do
C C C/B C/B Am7 Am7 Am7/G Am7/G F F
And all the times I had the chance to

I've stopped my rambling
I don't do too much gambling these days
these days
These times I seem to think about
how all the changes came about my way
And I wonder if I'll see another highway

I had a lover
I don't think there is another these days
these days
And if I seem to be afraid
to live the life that I have made in song
Its just that I've been losing so long

Da da da da dahhh
da dahhh

I stopped my dreaming
I won't do too much schemeing these days
these days
These days I sit on corner stones
and count the time in quarter tones to ten

Please don't confront me with my failures
I have not forgotten them

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taby ukulele według , 20 lip 2017

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