Lullaby taby ukulele według Nickelback

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Dm, F, C, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2011
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Intro:   Dm Dm   F F   C C   G G

Verse: Dm Dm F F C C G G
Well I know the feeling, of finding yourself stuck out on the ledge
Dm Dm F F C C G G
And there ain't no healing, from cutting yourself with the jagged edge
Dm Dm F F C C
I'm telling you that, its never that bad, take it from someone whose been
where you're at
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Laid out on the floor, and you're not sure, you can take this anymore

Chorus: Dm Dm F F C C G G
So just give it one more try to a lullaby and turn this up on the radio
Dm Dm F F C C G G
If you can hear me now I'm reaching out to let you know that you're not alone
Dm Dm F F C C G G
And you can't tell I'm scared as hell cos I can't get you on the telephone
Dm Dm F F C C G G
So just close your eyes
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Well honey here comes a lullaby
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Your very own lullaby

Verse: Dm Dm F F C C G G
Well please let me take you, out of the darkness and into the light
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Cause I have faith in you, that you're gonna make it through another night
Dm Dm F F C C
Stop thinking about, the easy way out, there's no need to go and blow the
candle out
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Because you're not done, you're far too young, and the best is yet to come

Chorus: Dm Dm F F C C G G
So just give it one more try to a lullaby and turn this up on the radio
Dm Dm F F C C G G
If you can hear me now I'm reaching out to let you know that you're not alone
Dm Dm F F C C G G
And you can't tell I'm scared as hell cos I can't get you on the telephone
Dm Dm F F C C G G
So just close your eyes
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Well honey here comes a lullaby
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Your very own lullaby

Bridge: C C
Well everybody's hit the bottom, and everybody's been forgotten when
everybody's tired of being alone
yeah everybody's been abandoned, and left a little empty handed
so if you're out there barely hanging on

Chorus: Dm Dm F F C C G G
So just give it one more try to a lullaby and turn this up on the radio
Dm Dm F F C C G G
If you can hear me now I'm reaching out to let you know that you're not alone
Dm Dm F F C C G G
And you can't tell I'm scared as hell cos I can't get you on the telephone
Dm Dm F F C C G G
So just close your eyes
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Well honey here comes a lullaby
Dm Dm F F C C G G
Your very own lullaby

taby ukulele według , 05 mar 2016

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