Theme For An Imaginary Western taby ukulele według Mountain

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A#, Gm, C7, G#, D#, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

Font size: A- A A+

Rok:  1970
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: -0.5 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
Progresja tabów / chwytów stworzonych dla ukulele.
A# A#                Gm Gm
When the wagons leave the city
C7 C7 G# G#
For the forest and further on
A# A# Gm Gm
Painted wagon of the morning
C7 C7 D# D#
Dusty roads where they´ve gone
A# A# Gm Gm
Sometimes travelin´ through the darkness
C7 C7 G# G#
At the summer comin´ home
A# A# Gm Gm
Fallen faces by the wayside
D# D# C7 C7 A# A#
Look as if they might have known

Gm Gm Dm Dm
Oh the sun was in their eyes
Gm Gm Dm Dm
And the desert was dry
D# D# A# A#
In a country towns
Gm Gm C7 C7 D# D#
Where their laughter sounds

A# A# Gm Gm
Oh the dancing and the singing
C7 C7 G# G#
Oh the music when they played
A# A# Gm Gm
Oh the fire that they saw there
C7 C7 D# D#
On the grave of no return
A# A# Gm Gm
Sometimes they found it
A# A# Gm Gm
Sometimes they kept it
C7 C7 G# G#
Often lost in on the way
A# A# Gm Gm
Pawnee shadow to possess him
D# D# C7 C7 A# A#
Sometimes ride inside of day

Gm Gm Dm Dm
Oh the sun was in their eyes
Gm Gm Dm Dm
And the desert was dry
D# D# A# A#
In a country towns
Gm Gm C7 C7 D# D#
Where their laughter sounds

taby ukulele według , 17 kwi 2015

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