Marty's Car Gets Crushed taby ukulele według MOOG

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, Am, Dm, Bb, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: F, DmChwyty
Intro (also Verse chords):
F - Am - Dm -- Bb -- F - C

(F F)___(Am Am)________(Dm Dm)
^^You were my friend
_____(Bb Bb)
And I can't believe that
(F F)_______(C C)
This is the end

(F F)___(Am Am)___________(Dm Dm)
^^So many times we laughed
(Dm Dm)____________(Bb Bb)
So many times we cried
(Bb Bb)
But I always thought
____(F F)__(C C)
We'd be alright

___(Bb Bb)___
But all good things must
(F F)_______(C C)
Come to an end
___(Bb Bb)_______
And I'll be on my
(F F)_____(C C)_____(F F)_
Ooowwwwwwn again

(F F)______(Am Am)______________(Dm Dm)
^^Pick me up when I was down
(Dm Dm)________________________(Bb Bb)
The windows down we drove around
(Bb Bb)
When I was lost
_____(F F)_____(C C)
You'd take me home

(F F)_____(Am Am)_____________(Dm Dm)
^^Never felt so young and free
(Dm Dm)______________________(Bb Bb)
The big blue sky the big blue sea
(Bb Bb)
I'm gonna miss you
_______(F F)___________(C C)
My little blue T you are dear

___(Bb Bb)___
But all good things must
(F F)_______(C C)
Come to an end
___(Bb Bb)_______
And I'll be on my
(F F)_____(C C)_____(F F)_
Ooowwwwwwn again


taby ukulele według , 10 gru 2013

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