Angelfuck taby ukulele według Misfits

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, D, F#m, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  1997
Akord: D, BmChwyty
#I use a island strum (down-down-up-up-down-up-down-up) on this song.

Intro: A A A A
Little Angelfuck.
(A A) D D (D D)
It's a shame that luck is the only thing
Did you like the fun
A A D D (D D)
Did you like the times that I promised you
F#m F#m
Open wounds on your brow
Em Em
Little angel in red
D D Em Em
She isn't loving you anymore

Little Angelfuck
(A A) D D (D D)
I see you going down on a fireplug
A A (A A)
Little Angelfuck
D D (D D)
Size for everyone
F#m F#m
Let those bastards believe
Em Em
Dry your eyes and we'll leave
D D Em Em
She isn't loving you anymore

A A (A A) D D x3 #in this part I do two strums (down-down) in D D. To me sound more like the original song.

A A (A A)

Little Angelfuck
(A A) D D (D D)
I see you going down on a fireplug
A A (A A)
Oh, little Angelfuck
D D (D D)
Size for everyone
F#m F#m
Let those bastards believe
Em Em
Dry your eyes and we'll leave
D D Em Em
She isn't loving you anymore

A A (A A) D D
A A (A A) D D
A A (A A) D D
A A (A A) D D A A

taby ukulele według , 23 lip 2017

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