Our Life This Way taby ukulele według Miscellaneous

3 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D, G, A

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: D, BmChwyty
(D D).                          (G G)
Mum I've got so far to go
. (D D) (G G)
And I think you should know
(G G) (A A)
You're why I've come so far
(D D (G G)
You're why I'm crazy proud
(D D) (G G)
And oh so loud
(G G) (D D)
Every day
D D, G G, A A, D D

I know I used to drive you nuts
And it took some guts
To live our life this way
And I hope that you feel proud
And you're happy now
We lived our life this way

(D D). (G G)
I know some days were tough
(D D) (G G)
Things got pretty rough
(G G). (A A)
But you're the strongest
(D D). (G G)
Woman around
(D D). (G G)
You should wear a crown
(G G). (D D)
Cause you're a queen about town

I know I used to drive you nuts
And it took some guts
To live our life this way
And I hope that you feel proud
And you're happy now
We lived our life this way

taby ukulele według , 17 lis 2017

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