All I Ever Wanted (was You) taby ukulele według mazie

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, C7, F, F7, Bb

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: F, DmChwyty
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
(All I ever wanted was you)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
(All I ever wanted was you)

[Verse 1]
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
I'm a sucker for a narcissist, that's why I love myself (Uh-huh)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
With you, it was pretty obvious 'cause it takes one to tell
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7
But I hide it so well, you should try it
C C Bb Bb F F F7 F7
So maybe you could understand

C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
That all I ever wanted was you (All I ever wanted was you)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
But all I got was someone to lose (All I got was someone to lose)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7
You tried so hard to fake all the faces you were savin'
C C Bb Bb F F F7 F7 C C
When all I ever wanted was you (All I ever wanted was you)

C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
(All I ever wanted was you)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
(All I ever wanted was you)

[Verse 2]
C C C7 C7
You hate yourself 'cause you hate your mom
F F F7 F7
And your mom hates me and I hate your mom
C C C7 C7 F F
'Cause you can't chew what you bit off, so I
F7 F7 C C
I'm cleanin' up the mess that you made
C C C7 C7
Your words like stones and sticks
F F F7 F7
And your 222 is my 666
C C Bb Bb F F
Which Heaven knows I tried to fix 'cause I

C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
That all I ever wanted was you (All I ever wanted was you)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
But all I got was someone to lose (All I got was someone to lose)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7
You tried so hard to fake all the faces you were savin'
C C Bb Bb F F F7 F7 C C
When all I ever wanted was you (All I ever wanted was you)

C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
(All I ever wanted was you)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
(All I ever wanted was you)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
(All I ever wanted was you)
C C C7 C7 F F F7 F7 C C
(All I ever wanted was you)

taby ukulele według , 11 cze 2024

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