Nightboat To Cairo taby ukulele według Madness

11 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, A#m, D#, Fm, C#7, D, C7, C#, E, F, D#m

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
C C  A#m A#m (x3)

C C A#m A#m

Night boat to Cairo!

C C A#m A#m (x8)

Fm Fm C#7 C#7 (x3) Fm Fm D# D#, (D# D#) D D C7 C7

C C A#m A#m

It's just gone noon, half past Monsoon,

C C A#m A#m

On the banks of The River Nile.

C C A#m A#m

Here comes the boat, only half-afloat,

C C A#m A#m

Oarsman grins a toothless smile.

C C A#m A#m

Only just one more, to this desolate shore,

C C A#m A#m

Last boat along The River Nile.

C C A#m A#m

Doesn't seem to care; no more wind in his hair,

C C A#m A#m

As he reaches his last half mile.

Fm Fm C#7 C#7

The oar snaps in his hand, before he reaches dry land,

Fm Fm C#7 C#7

But the sound doesn't deafen his smile.

Fm Fm C#7 C#7

Just pokes at wet sand, with an oar in his hand;

Fm Fm D# D#

Floats off down the River Nile,

D D C7 C7 C# C# D D D# D# E E

Floats off down the River Nile.

F F D#m D#m

taby ukulele według , 24 lis 2021

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