When Youre Smiling taby ukulele według Louis Armstrong

9 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A7, Am, Am7, C, D7, E7, G, G7, Gmaj7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
A7 A7 Am Am Am7 Am7 C C D7 D7 E7 E7 G G G7 G7 Gmaj7 Gmaj7

Capo on 1

When you're [G G] smiling, when you're [Gmaj7 Gmaj7] smiling
The [E7 E7] whole world smiles with [Am Am] you
When you're [Am Am] laughing, when you're [Am7 Am7] laughing
The [D7 D7] sun comes shining [G G] through
But when you're [G7 G7] crying, you [C C] bring on the rain
So stop your [A7 A7] sighing, be [D7 D7] happy again
Keep on [G G] smiling
Cause when you're [E7 E7] smiling
The [Am Am] whole [Am7 Am7] world [D7 D7] smiles with [G G] you!
Instrumental (first two verses)
When you're [G G] smiling, when you're [Gmaj7 Gmaj7] smiling
The [E7 E7] whole world smiles with [Am Am] you
When you're [Am Am] laughing, when you're [Am7 Am7] laughing
The [D7 D7] sun comes shining [G G] through
But when you're [G7 G7] crying, you [C C] bring on the rain
So stop your [A7 A7] sighing, be [D7 D7] happy again
Keep on [G G] smiling
Cause when you're [E7 E7] smiling
The [Am Am] whole [Am7 Am7] world [D7 D7] smiles with [G G] you!

taby ukulele według , 13 gru 2021

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