You Belong To Me taby ukulele według Lifehouse

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F#, Bbm, B, Bm, Eb, Ab, C#

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Verse 1
F# F# Bbm Bbm B B
See the pyramids along the Nile
B B Bbm Bbm Bm Bm
Watch the sunrise from a tropic isle
Bm Bm Eb Eb Ab Ab
Just remember darling all the while
C# F# <---Only on 1st verse, C# on all the others
You belong to me

Verse 2
See the market place in old Algiers
Send me photographs and souvenirs
Just remember when a dream appears
You belong to me

F# F# B B
And I'd be so alone without you
Ab Ab C# C#
Maybe you'd be lonesome, too

Verse 3
Fly the ocean in a silver plane
See the jungle when it's wet with rain
Just remember 'til you're home again
You belong to me

Repeat Bridge and Verse 3

taby ukulele według , 28 maj 2009

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Avonlea avatar
mobile flag for US(ISO2) (Clearwater)
transpose to -6 For easy version :)
13 Feb 2018
hydr0ph0en1x avatar
These chords are pretty awkward... Might be better to transpose them up or down.
06 Feb 2012

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