Hope Of Israel taby ukulele według LDS Hymns

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A#, F, C7, D#, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty i tabulatura
A# A#
Hope of Israel, Zion’s army,
F F C7 C7 F F
Children of the promised day,
A# A# D# D#
See, the Chieftain signals onward,
A# A# F F A# A#
And the battle’s in array!


G|--------------------| F A#
Hope of Israel, rise in might


A# A# F F A# A#
Hope of Israel, rise in might

F F A# A#
With the sword of truth and right;
A# A# D# D#
Sound the war-cry, “Watch and pray!”
A# A# F F A# A#
Vanquish ev’ry foe today.

See the foe in countless numbers,
Marshaled in the ranks of sin.
Hope of Israel, on to battle;
Now the vict’ry we must win!


Strike for Zion, down with error;
Flash the sword above the foe!
Ev’ry stroke disarms a foeman;
Ev’ry step we conq’ring go.


Soon the battle will be over;
Ev’ry foe of truth be down.
Onward, onward, youth of Zion;
Thy reward the victor’s crown.


taby ukulele według , 09 wrz 2019

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