Lullaby taby ukulele według Lateeyah

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: DM, E7, Aadd9, A, Dmaj7

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
INTRO: #DMAJ7, #E7, #Aadd9, #A

#Dmaj7 #E7
Missing your face and your touch
#Aadd9 #A
Missing your kiss and your love
Missing every little bit and a piece of you
#E7 ......
Baby would you meet me halfway cos I'm down for you
OOO the many things that I would do
Just to feel you, hold you
Man it's so hard not to have you here

You're probably sitting, like me
Missing you baby ooowee
Promise to listen before you sleep

Cos when I'm staring at the stars
Looking at the moon wishing that I
Could be there with you
It's okay, and it's alright
Baby listen to this lullaby
Good night, sleep tight
Dream away with me tonight

Yeah we could sit on the phone
Bust an all-nighter til the early morning
It's still not the same when you're far away
Hearing your voice, I got no choice
It's the only way for me to feel closer
I guess til then, just listen

Cos when I'm staring at the stars
Looking at the moon wishing that I
Could be there with you
It's okay, and it's alright
Baby listen to this lullaby
Good night, sleep tight
Dream away with me tonight

Wherever you are
No matter how far
Just listen for me
I'll sing you to sleep
I love you, goodnight
Dream away with me tonight

taby ukulele według , 22 gru 2013

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