Italo Disco taby ukulele według Last Dinosaurs

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Gm, F, Dm, Am, C7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: F, DmChwyty
Intro: Gm Gm F F Dm Dm x 2

Gm Gm
And when I think
F F Dm Dm
Of everything that we did together
Gm Gm
Somewhere in Verona
F F Dm Dm
The sun set over our time together
Gm Gm
Thinking it over
F F Dm Dm
So young andsentimental
Gm Gm
Our hearts so gentle
F F Dm Dm
Such a shame we had to drift apart

F F Dm Dm
Oh, but I can't help just wonder
Gm Gm
Could we really last forever?

I watch the sunset and
Am Am Am Am* Gm Gm
Something's telling me that I gotta get up and chase it
F F Dm Dm Gm Gm F F Dm Dm

[Verse 2]
Gm Gm
Day of transit
F F Dm Dm
The gentle weight of your head on my shoulder
Gm Gm
I wake you at the last stop
F F Dm Dm
Your sleepy eyes in the gloomy weather

Gm Gm
Raining in Florence
F F Dm Dm
Your cold hands and your wet hair
Gm Gm
While we're cursing
F F Dm Dm
Cheap umbrellas trying to get home

Gm Gm
Now we're written in history
F F Dm Dm
We close the book we’ve opened up
Gm Gm
There will always be a place in my heart
F F Dm Dm Gm Gm
But baby can't you see we were meant to fall apart

We gave it up
F F Dm Dm Gm Gm
Who would have thought love wasn't enough
In the end we'd say
F F C7 C7
"Bye my love, guess I'll see you someday"

Gm Gm F F Dm Dm x 2

taby ukulele według , 25 lut 2024

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