A Whale Of A Tale (20000 Leagues Under The Sea) taby ukulele według Kirk Douglas

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, C7, Bb, C, G7, F/C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: F, DmChwyty i tabulatura
Oryginalny tuning: +1.0 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
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0 1 2 3 4 5
Intro :


F F C7 C7 F F
Got a whale of a tale to tell ya, lads
C7 C7
A A whale of a tale or two
F F Bb Bb
'Bout the flappin' fish and the girls I've loved
On nights like this with the moon above
F F Bb Bb
A A whale of a tale and it's all true
F F C7 C7 F F
I swear by my tattoo

Bb Bb F F
There was Mermaid Minnie, met her down in Madagaskar
Bb Bb F F
She would kiss me, any time that I would ask her
Bb Bb G7 G7 F/C F/C C C
Then one evening her flame of love blew out
F F Bb Bb
Blow me down and pick me up!
She swapped me for a trout

There was Typhoon Tessie, met her on the coast of Java
When we kissed I bubbled up like molten lava
Then she gave me the scare of my young
Blow me down and pick me up!
She was the captain's wife

Then there was Harpoon Hannah
Had a look that spelled out danger
My heart quivered when she whispered,
"I'm there, stranger"
Bought her trinkets
That sailors can't afford(Sailors can't afford)
And when I spent my last red cent
She tossed me overboard!

taby ukulele według , 03 wrz 2012

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