Day Will Come taby ukulele według Keane

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F#, C#, B, E, G#m, D#m7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2012
Akord: F#, B, G#m, D#mChwyty
[play: F# F# C# C# B B]

B B F# F# B B E E x2

E E B B E E F# F# E E
The win - ter night has wrapped a rag around your eyes
B B F# F#
And stolen your sight

E E B B E E F# F# E E
You seem so far away, I hope you find your way back some day
B B F# F#
I miss you, I miss you

B B E E G#m G#m F# F#
Some days set your world on fi - ire
B B E E F# F# E E
And some days they sink like sto - ones
B B D#m7 D#m7 E E
That's when your heart will cry out until your body is numb
B B E E F# F# B B
And the night will try to change you but the day will come

E E B B E E F# F# E E
Dream hard and shoot high, sometimes our fingers graze the sky
B B F# F#
But we can't hold on

[repeat CHORUS]

B B D#m7 D#m7 E E
Brother don't hang your head 'til your distance is run
B B E E F# F# B B
'Cause though it seems so far away, you know the day will come


[repeat CHORUS]

B B D#m7 D#m7 E E
Brother don't hang your head 'til your distance is run
B B E E F# F# B B
So, though it seems so far away, you know the day will come

taby ukulele według , 08 mar 2013

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