Take Aim taby ukulele według Kasabian

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Dm, Gm, F, Bm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2007
Akord: F, A#, Bb, Gm, DmChwyty
Dm Dm
Nightmares, oh nightmares come on now
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Getting my days all wrong now
Dm Dm
Risen from prison an outlaw
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Spending our time in the lion?s jaw
Bm Bm Dm Dm Bm Bm Dm Dm
In the end you sink or swim
F F Dm Dm F F Gm Gm Dm Dm
I?m eager, I?m eager?

Dm Dm
Love them oh love them come on now
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Socially biting your tongue now
Dm Dm
Run down oh run down old houses
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Feeding the cats to the mouses

Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Can you see me in the way now
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Gotta get us out of here

Dm Dm
Drug them and give them star prizes
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Lock them away in high rises
Dm Dm
Held up and called on by truncheons
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Rattling keys to the dungeons

Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Can you see me in the way now
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Gotta get us out of here

Gm Gm Dm Dm
Don?t take me over
Gm Gm
I bid you all farewell
F F Dm Dm
I?ve got to leave?
Gm Gm Dm Dm
Tears on my shovel
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Switch me off today

Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Can you see me in the way now
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Gotta get us out of here

Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Can you see me in the way now
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Dm Dm
Oh take aim now!
Gm Gm F F Dm Dm
Gotta get us out of here

Gm Gm Dm Dm
Don?t take me over
Gm Gm
I bid you all farewell
F F Dm Dm
I?ve got to leave

taby ukulele według , 27 mar 2012

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