Castle In The Snow taby ukulele według Kadebostany

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Em, Am, Bm, C, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: G, EmChwyty
The light is fading now
#Em #Am #Bm
My soul is running on a path that I cannot reach

My brain is turnin'
And my head is hurtin'
#Am #Bm
Every day a little bit more

The light is fading now
#Em #Am #Bm
My forces is being sucked by a bloody leach?

My fear is smilin'
And my threat is singin'
#Am #Bm
Every night a little bit more

I cannot see anything
I am blindfolded

I can hear the birds
I can see them fly
#Am #Bm
I can see the sky
I can hear the birds
I can see them fly
I can see the sky
It's about to cry

I'm a zombie
#Em #G
I don't know what to do
I should be done in the place

#Am #Bm
But I gotta stay, stay stay
Stay stay stay, stay

I'm so lonely
#Em #G
I don't know if I get through
I wanna be floating in space

#Am #Bm
But I gotta stay, stay stay
Stay stay stay, stay

I can hear the birds
I can see them fly
#Am #Bm
I can see the sky
I can hear the birds
I can see them fly
I can see the sky
It's about to cry. ×4

taby ukulele według , 09 lut 2020

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