Lights taby ukulele według Journey

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D, Bm, A, C, G, A#

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
D D Bm Bm D D A A Bm Bm C C D D

[Chorus 1]
D D Bm Bm C C
When the lights go down in the City
D D Bm Bm C C
And the sun shines on the bay
D D Bm Bm C C
I want to be there in my City, ooh, ooh
Bm Bm C C (C C-Bm Bm) D D
Ooh, ooh, ooh


D D Bm Bm C C
So you think you're lonely
D D Bm Bm C C
Well, my friend I'm lonely too
D D Bm Bm C C
I want to get back to my City by the bay
Bm Bm C C (C C-Bm Bm) D D
Ooh, ooh, ooh

Bm Bm G G D D Bm Bm
It's sad, oh there's been mornings out on the road without you,
G G D D A A A A A# A# Bm Bm
Without your charms,
Oooh, my, my, my, my, my, my
Bm Bm C C (C C-Bm Bm) D D
Ooh, ooh, ooh

[Chorus 2]
D D Bm Bm C C
When the lights go down in the City
D D Bm Bm C C
And the sun shines on the bay
D D Bm Bm C C
I want to be there in my City, ooh, ohh
Bm Bm C C (C C-Bm Bm) D D
Ooh, ooh, ooh

[Guitar Solo]
Bm Bm G G D D
Bm Bm G G D D A A A A A# A#
Bm Bm G G D D
Bm Bm C C D D

[Chorus 3]
D D Bm Bm C C
When the lights go down in the City
D D Bm Bm C C
And the sun shines on the bay
D D Bm Bm C C
I want to be there in my City, ooh, ohh
Bm Bm C C (C C-Bm Bm) D D
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Bm Bm C C (C C-Bm Bm) D D
Ooh, ooh, ooh

taby ukulele według , 30 sty 2023

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