Glimpse Of Us taby ukulele według Joji

8 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bbm, Eb6, Ab, Abm, Fm, Eb, Eb7, F7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
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Intro: (2 opciones, versión fácil o difícil)



Bbm Bbm Eb6 Eb6 Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm | Bbm Bbm Eb6 Eb6 Eb Eb

Verse 1:

Fm Fm (Distinto, la cuerda 3 va en traste 4)
She'd take the world off my shoulders
Bbm Bbm
If it was ever hard to move
Eb Eb
She'd turn the rain to a rainbow
Ab Ab
When I was livin' in the blue -Yeah-
Fm Fm
Why then, if she’s so perfect
Bbm Bbm
Do I still wish that it was you?
Eb Eb
Perfect don't mean that it's workin'
Ab Ab
So what can I do? -Ooh-

Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
When you're out of sight in my mind

Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
And that's where I find a glimpse of us
Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
And I try to fall for her touch
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
But I'm thinkin' of the way it was
Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
Said, "I'm fine" and said, "I moved on"
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
I'm only here passin' time in her arms
Bbm Bbm Eb6 Eb6 Fm Fm
Hopin' I'll find a glimpse of us

Verse 2:
Fm Fm
Tell me he savors your glory
Bbm Bbm
Does he laugh the way I did?
Eb Eb
Is this a part of your story?
Ab Ab
One that I had never lived
Fm Fm
Maybe one day you'll feel lonely
Bbm Bbm
And in his eyes, you'll get a glimpse
Eb Eb Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
Maybe you'll start slippin' slowly and find me again

Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
When you're out of sight in my mind

Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
And that's where I find a glimpse of us
Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
And I try to fall for her touch
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
But I'm thinkin' of the way it was
Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
Said, "I'm fine" and said, "I moved on"
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
I'm only here passin' time in her arms
Bbm Bbm Eb6 Eb6 Fm Fm
Hopin' I'll find a glimpse of us

Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7 Ab Ab Fm Fm
Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
Ab Ab Eb6 Eb6 F7 F7

Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
And that's where I find a glimpse of us
Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
And I try to fall for her touch
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
But I'm thinkin' of the way it was
Bbm Bbm Eb7 Eb7
Said, "I'm fine" and said, "I moved on"
Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm
I'm only here passin' time in her arms
Bbm Bbm Eb6 Eb6 Fm Fm
Hopin' I'll find a glimpse of us

Outro:(2 opciones, versión fácil o difícil)



Bbm Bbm Eb6 Eb6 Ab Ab Abm Abm Fm Fm | Bbm Bbm Eb6 Eb6 Eb Eb


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taby ukulele według , 04 cze 2024

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