Blahblahblah Demo taby ukulele według Joji

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Dm, F, G, Am, Cmaj7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2022
Akord: C, AmChwyty
C C Dm Dm F F

1st verse:
C C Dm Dm F F
I can make you feel it closer, baby, one more time
C C Dm Dm F F
I can really feel you closing in, I stayed outside
C C Dm Dm F F
I love, I love, I love, no matter how, how much they take
C C Dm Dm F F
Something tells me we were chosen so we keep on trying

C C Dm Dm
She said I'm dumb, surrounded by strangers
When I hear your voice, I'm in too deep
C C Dm Dm
Feeling undone, I can't be the only one
I wanna be forever young

I can makе you feel it closer, baby, one more timе

G G Am Am Cmaj7 Cmaj7

2nd verse:
G G Am Am
Cigarettes, cigarettes, swingin' in the west
I’ve got nothin' in my vest
Cmaj7 Cmaj7
Intimate, intimate, just layin' in my chest
Pray you never lay to rest
G G Am Am
We got here just in time
Cmaj7 Cmaj7
Don't get lost in this life
Levitate, levitate
Am Am
Like an atom, separate
Cmaj7 Cmaj7
Elaborate, elaborate
Been a long time, I can see it on the bait
Am Am Cmaj7 Cmaj7
I can see it on the bait
I can see it on the bait

G G Am Am Cmaj7 Cmaj7

taby ukulele według , 20 maj 2023

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