I Prefer They/them taby ukulele według Joey

9 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Em, Am, A, F, G, C7, A7, G6

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
#no strumming pattern, just strum twice on each note
#the @ of the songwriter is @josuhfiend on tiktok
C C Em Em Am Am
If u write a song about me
Please dont say she
G G C7 C7 A A
Cuz thats not how i see me
C C A A Am Am
But i know i look awfully feminine
A7 A7 F F
And sometimes i sleep with men
G6 G6 C C A A
But does that make me, a lady?
C C A A Am Am
My daddy thinks hes got a daughter
C7 C7 Am Am G6 G6 C C
But im just a kid, raised without a father
Em Em C C
Praised for obedience
Em Em Am Am A7 A7
So i dont tell family or friends
F F G6 G6 C C
i prefer they/them

taby ukulele według , 30 lis 2020

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