Cosmic Girl taby ukulele według Jamiroquai

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Em7, F#m7, B7, G#m7, C#m7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: E, C#mChwyty
Intro: Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 . Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .

Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
I must've died and gone to heaven Cos it was a quarter past eleven
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
On a Saturday in nineteen-nighty-nine
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
Right across from where I'm standing on the dance floor she was landing
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
It was clear that she was from another time
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
Like some baby Barbarella with the stars as her umbrella
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
She asked me if I'd like to magnetise
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
Do I have to go star-trekking? Cos it's you I should be checking
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
So she lazer beamed me with her cosmic eyes

G#m7 G#m7 - F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7 - C#m7 C#m7
She's just a cosmic girl
G#m7 G#m7 - F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7 - C#m7 C#m7
G#m7 G#m7 - F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7 - C#m7 C#m7
She's from a cosmic world Putting me in ecstasy
G#m7 G#m7 - F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7 - C#m7 C#m7
Transmitting on my frequency She's cosmic

Verse 2:
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
I'm scanning all my radars cos she said she's from a quasar
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
Forty thousand million light years away
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
It's a distant solar system, I tried to phone but they don't list 'em
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
So I asked her for a number all the same
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
She said, step in my transporter so I can teleport ya'
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
All around my heavenly body
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
This could be a close encounter I should take care not to flounder
Em7 Em7 . . . F#m7 F#m7 . B7 B7 5 .
Sends me into hyperspace, when I see her pretty face

taby ukulele według , 07 cze 2023

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